Could it be as simple as this?
Mounting an existing Plone site
Posted by Sergey Volobuev at May 10, 2007 - 04:45
I just have spent some time trying to mount an existing Data.fs in order to access data there and would like to share my experience.
There seems to be a little trick which seems not to be documented very well. Zope actually doesn't mount the "root" of object tree, which would be a behaviour similiar to Unix mount. What it does is mounting an object within that tree, which has the same name as the mount point. So if, for example, we want to access a folder called "mysites" located at the root of a ZODB we're trying to mount, we have to call the mount point "mysites" as well.
Also, in case we want to mount a Plone Site (or some other object different from Folder), there's a container-class parameter in <zodb_db> section.
and here