Sorry, something went wrong with your request


I'm getting the "Sorry, something went wrong with your request" on saving a long page that was imported and converted with the Block conversion tool. On front I get e is null and a lots of lines of .chunk.js.

On the back is get:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'toLowerCase')
at Object.normaliseMail (/home/zope/prescient-digital/frontend/node_modules/@plone/volto/src/helpers/Url/Url.js:283:1)
at Object.checkAndNormalizeUrl (/home/zope/prescient-digital/frontend/build/webpack:/node_modules/@plone/volto/src/helpers/Url/Url.js:303:1)
at UniversalLink (/home/zope/prescient-digital/frontend/build/webpack:/node_modules/@plone/volto/src/components/manage/UniversalLink/UniversalLink.jsx:78:1)
at processChild (/home/zope/prescient-digital/frontend/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom-server.node.development.js:3353:14)

But I have a number of blocks each with a number of links. Is there any way to determine which block is causing the error?

Given the traceback, I would look for a link that has its href set to null. Actually, it looks like there was already a bugfix for this already in volto 16.20.5, 17.0.0-alpha.6, and higher.

Thanks @davisagli , 16.20.5 made the problem go away. The down side is that I still have no idea which block has a null href.

Have you tried loading /++api++/path/to/the/page and searching for "url": null?

Sure. I actually wrote a little script to walk the site to check all links :slight_smile: