[SOLVED Toolbar/edit action not available in state "internally_published"/Intranetworkflow

We have a content-type, configured with the intranet workflow. Content items in state internally_published show up without "edit" action in the toolbar. However a Manager or Site Adminstrator is able to /edit the content. Where is the logic located for showing the edit action?
There is nothing in site_actions...

In the definition.xml of the workflow (portal_setup -> export -> workflow_tool) or a missing permission in a custom contenttype defintion.
check the edit action in the type definition. is there a special permission? is the plone.locking behavior not enabled but the condition in the edit action in the type definition do a check?

I can confirm that a custom content type with workflow set in the control panel has this (mis)behaviour. It is (also) not possible to retract (etc) to edit the content.

Permissions can be seen at: /portal_workflow/intranet_workflow/states/external/setPermissions

The intranet workflow only manages Access Contents Information, Modify Portal Content and View. All three permissions are enabled for Manager. So the Edit button should be there.

In the end: I removed the condition from the edit action within the FTI...so something like the locking behavior (which we are not using).

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