[SOLVED] Reset (remove) blocks and blocks_layout values

I have some news items imported from Plone 4 to Plone 6 and I discovered a bug when trying to edit an old item. Edit - save - edit... and the items is broken with some strange values on blocks - blocks_layout.

I want to remove the values, but with no success:

First try:

(Pdb) news_item
<FolderishNewsItem at /Plone/sandbox1/news/test-news-item>
(Pdb) hasattr(news_item, 'blocks')
(Pdb) news_item.blocks
{'89ec635f-0a69-4a72-a8fe-7e477a0ea0de': {'@type': 'title'}, 'undefined': {'@type': 'title'}, '72d988ce-e065-43d3-a9d0-975d49da6e52': {'@type': 'slate'}}
(Pdb) delattr(news_item, 'blocks')
*** AttributeError: 'FolderishNewsItem' object has no attribute 'blocks'


(Pdb) news_item
<FolderishNewsItem at /Plone/sandbox1/news/test-news-item>
(Pdb) item = news_item.aq_inner.aq_self
(Pdb) item
<FolderishNewsItem at test-news-item>
(Pdb) item.blocks
{'89ec635f-0a69-4a72-a8fe-7e477a0ea0de': {'@type': 'title'}, 'undefined': {'@type': 'title'}, '72d988ce-e065-43d3-a9d0-975d49da6e52': {'@type': 'slate'}}
(Pdb) delattr(item, 'blocks')
*** AttributeError: 'FolderishNewsItem' object has no attribute 'blocks'

How can I reset these fields? I found them here: plone.restapi/src/plone/restapi/behaviors.py at main · plone/plone.restapi · GitHub

That's the code I use when I create demo content. It sets the default generic block that allows you to add more blocks

from uuid import uuid4

uuid = str(uuid4())
item.blocks = {uuid: {'@type': 'slate'}}
item.blocks_layout = {'items': [uuid]}
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Thank you, @csanahuja. Yes, it's working by setting a default value.