[Solved] Plone.app.contenttypes content types and their interface

At the moment we are trying to provide content-type dependent portlet renderers and managers in our application. The old application used something like this for IATDocument:

class RightContextualEditDocumentPortletManagerRenderer(
    """Portlet-renderer for the right column, in the management-view.

For Dexterity I tried to replace IATDocument with plone.app.contenttypes.interfaces.IDocument.
However Document does not provide IDocument automatically, it must be set through manage_interfaces as a marker interface.

There are the interfaces after creating a Document in Plone:

So what are the specific interfaces of the default content-types in order to configure stuff like portlet renderers specific to them?!

This one http://demo.plone.org/en/demo/a-page/manage_interfaces does have IDocument and here it is as well: https://github.com/plone/plone.app.contenttypes/blob/127b18e5ee8685f421f3adb3c5657ac2b65a1585/plone/app/contenttypes/content.py#L78

I have no idea why that isn't the case for you though.

Solved..this was tricky.

One of our packages contained remove=True inside its types.xml for the portal_type Document.
So after installation of package, the FTI for Document containted Item as base class....