Seeking help with Plone 4 export

I would like to use export-import to export mostly news and event items from a Plone 4 source into a format that can be imported into a Drupal instance. I've experimented witih plone.exportimport and have not been successful with getting a cogent output to JSON. This is a one-time project - paid, of course. Please get in touch if you are interested.

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Hi William,

To export content for (cross) migration purposes, please use collective.exportimport. It has specific instruction for pinnings so thar you can install the addon in Plone 4 sites and it still runs/supports Python 2

Plone.exportimport is a new package, created to export and import content programmatically only for the latest Plone 6 and Pgthon versions. It is intended to go in core and plone.distribution will depend on it to scaffold demo content.

Plone.exportimport is inspired by and reuses a significant part of the code/ideas from collective.exportimport, but lt is a big refactor, rewrite and code cleanup by @ericof to support the essentials.

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Provided you have installed collective.exportimport you can call /my-folder/@@export_content on any container and see a form that allows you to pick the content-types you want to export from that section of the page.
To transform that to the json-format required by Drupal (whatever that may be) you can hook into the export using the global_dict_hook to modify the json that will be saved. See the docs for more info on that.

Many thanks to all for clarifications - it ends up I've already installed collective.exportimport (not plone.*). Also have found a consultant to provide support.


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