I am editing a plone page to open an Excel document on a specific sheet. I created two buttons to see if either would appear as actual buttons and use the JS function I reference.
Why is only text showing instead of the button and why is the onclick attribute not working?
Note: I have changed to links to the spreadsheet for posting it on here but the link has been tested on other webpages
<script type="text/javascript">
function Open_Excel_File(path,sheet)
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if (!fso.FileExists(path))
alert("Cannot open file.\nFile '" + path + "' doesn't exist.");
var myApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
if (myApp != null)
myApp.visible = true;
Book = myApp.workbooks.open(path);
var excel_sheet = Book.Worksheets(sheet).Activate;
else {
alert ("Cannot open Excel application");
<button onclick='Open_Excel_File("file://///fs-01\Departments\Underwriting\Statistical%20Data%20and%20Medical%20Information\Statistics\Cancers\Cancer%20Statistics%\Cancer%20Statistics%.xlsx", "Vulvar Ca");'>Open File</button>
<input type="button" onclick="Open_Excel_File('file://///fs-01\deps\uw\stat%20Data%20and%20Medical%20Information\Statistics\Cancers\Cancer%20Statistics%202018\Cancer%20Statistics%.xlsx', 'VCA');'>OPEN FILE</input>
Also Plone filter out a bounce of potential "nasty" tags through a specific configurable tool. It seems to me that you have injected the in the source HTML of a Page (document) type.
If so, you will see in your browser that in, the page source code, the script tag has been totally stripped away.
So, a correct way to inject some js in your page, is to load it as portal_javascript resource (plone<=4) or in resource_registry (plone>=5).
tha nasty way is to access, in the ZMI, at https://yourseite:8080/Plone/portal_transforms/safe_html/
and configure it to accept script tags inside a document (all document in your site actually).
If this answer does not satisfy you try to ask in the official community: