Restricting access to part of a plone site

We are creating a web site using Plone 5.2.1 built with Python 3.6. We would like to have the front page accessible by anyone but some of the sub-pages to be restricted to our group.

What is the best way to accomplish this?

You should group the public content and the private content into separate subhierarchies.

If you do not use (content) workflow, then you can manage the permission to role mapping for View manually (this is typically controlled by the workflow). Assign at the root of the subhierarchies as appropriate.

In one of my use cases, workflow was important. For this case, I used Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow to have different workflows in the subhierarchies. This way, location aware workflow can manage View as appropiate.

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Would (just) sharing be enough?

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There is quite a bit of "how to use Plone as an intranet" info out there. Try this for example:

I would start by not publishing any of the sub pages. Publish only the front page. For the sub pages, use the Sharing button to grant Can View to a new group you create using the Users and Groups control panel. Add members to that group as needed.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Here is a screenshot of the control panel for workflow, you can set workflow for every content type TTW.