"reply to this email to respond" stopped working

In the past, I have been several times successful with "reply to this email to respond". But, recently, this seems have stopped working. Latest example: Today I got the message:

From: Michael Brunnbauer via Plone Community <community@plone.org>
Sender: community=plone.org@mg.plone.org
To: dieter@handshake.de
Subject: [Plone Community] [Zope] Migrating default-zpublisher-encoding from
 iso-8859-1 to utf-8
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 13:44:11 +0000

I have successfully migrated to Zope 4 and now the real nightmare begins: Migration to Python 3.
[Visit Topic](https://community.plone.org/t/migrating-default-zpublisher-encoding-from-iso-8859-1-to-utf-8/11525/1) or reply to this email to respond.

I replied:

From: "Dieter Maurer" <dieter@handshake.de>
To: Plone Community <community+706ff0e37425f500461ad76b85fb8506@plone.org>
Subject: Re: [Plone Community] [Zope] Migrating default-zpublisher-encoding from
 iso-8859-1 to utf-8
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 18:20:06 +0100

Michael Brunnbauer via Plone Community wrote at 2020-1-29 13:44 +0000:
> ...
Look again at `zodbupdate`. Find the parameters affecting
the translation from Python 2 `str` to Python 3 `str`
and use them to get most Python 2 `str` objects into Python 3 `str` objects.
`zodbupdate` may occationally do too much in this respect, but the
cases are likely rare.

But, this message has not yet (4 hours later) reached the forum.

Unfortunately, the "reply to this email to respond" function seems very fragile.

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Hi Dieter - it never arrived?

It never arrived.

I don't know how I could track this down. There is an admin panel here that shows email received, bounced, and rejected. In "received" it shows the last email from you to be from November 29 (!). Nothing shows in "bounced". In "rejected" we have quite a few but none from you, and most are from attempts @fulv and I made to get Stack Overflow to send emails to our forum to post questions (we also tried via IFTTT, but we ran into blockers).

Has the feature stopped working for you entirely?

I used it recently, successfully, here: Running Plone Docker image on Windows and it shows in the "received" list of emails

T. Kim Nguyen via Plone Community wrote at 2020-2-13 05:21 +0000:

Thank you for looking into this!

Has the feature stopped working for you entirely?

When I noticed that it does not work reliably for me, I reverted
to responding via the internet site. Thus, I do not know.

I respond again to this post via email. Let's see whether it arrives.

It did!