Replacing collective.flowplayer with

I am working on this issue:

Facing some problems that may be easier for someone with more experience.

What I need to accomplish is, during site setup:

  • Create or enable a portlet with an audio player.
  • Create audio and video files with
  • Create a default view for an audio folder.

There is a working example, using collective.flowplayer here, look at the audio portlet on the right and the audio and video folders for plone hosted files:

Right now I checked and the website was down, but there are some screenshots on the issue.

What I am trying to solve is: The content-lenght header is empty.
What I checked: The theme engine is not finding a js lib,


The file is there, it is possible to download.

I am working in two different repos, one depends on the other, here are the branches:

Any help is very welcome.