Removing sidebar (of the collective.sidebar) from the backend (logged in users)

Hi! I've installed recently the collective.sidebar and its UI really fits the design I want for the front-end. But it replaces the Plone toolbar, and I would like to use the sidebar only for logged-out users. The CMS content will be edited by users using Barceloneta, so it's better to keep the original layout. Any idea on how I could do that?

Another solution I tried was to add a burger icon on the navbar of Barceloneta to open and close the sidebar (like in the tokyo theme), but I am not being able to edit the backend Barceloneta theme. I am trying to edit the rules.xml or the index.html inside the /barceloneta subdirectory of my theme, but nothing changes. When I inspect my theme at the @@theming-controlpanel, I can see these files, rules.xml and index.html, are changed. I cannot also see my changes on ++theme++barceloneta/rules.xml and ++theme++barceloneta/rules.xml. May someone help me to know why?

I am using the latest Plone 5. Thank you!

1 - How to disable Plone 5 Toolbar for authenticated user group? - Stack Overflow
2 - you've to make a copy of barceloneta as illustrated in the training (just the copy), then you can customize it:

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