Rearranging items in a folder that has more than 250 items

One of our users would like to rearrange some items in a folder that has more than 250 items. Since Plone only lists the max of 250 items at a time, her item in question is on the second page. How does one move an item from the second page to the first page so that the item can be listed at the top of the folder? Please advise. Thank you in advance.

a) the folder contents view has many limitations and issues regarding usability and functionality. You hit one.
b) tell your editor to rearrange its contents into subfolder instead of "misusing" a folder as its huge trashcan
c) use a collection if applicable

Look at the template code. There is a chance that the number of items per page can be influenced via a request parameter.

Thank you all, I will check it out. Cheers!

On Plone 4.x i used the folder_position script to work around UI limitations:

  • Move an Item to the top or bottom:


  • on step (or n steps) up or down:


  • automatically sort (needs an index, so eg sortable_title, id, created are possible)



Thanks so much. Does this work in Plone 5? I am using Plone 5 and tried moving a folder from the bottom of the list to the top and it gave me a page is not found error: