3. Document all GitHub repos under Pylons organization
Steve has completed the first pass of collecting all licenses, owners, maintainers, and destination of repositories under the Pylons Project. The next step is for Pylons Projects contributors to review this document and provide any updates by Sunday, March 10. We especially need to verify the Destination column: Core, Community, or Tomb? The public can now view and comment on the document, and all other people previously granted edit access retain that permission.
Pylons repositories, PyPI projects, and licensing:
Document all GitHub repos under Pylons organization #42:
4. Revise statutes and regulatory docs
a. 501(c)(3) status
Paul has made inquiries, but more are needed from senior attorneys. There are mixed legal opinions. Paul will continue to collect opinions and make a recommendation by our next meeting on Monday, March 25.
b. Contributor Agreement
Paul posted the CA at:
Everyone needs to do a first round of comments on the content of the CA by Sunday, March 17. We will review comments at the next meeting, and proceed from there. Steve will notify all current recipients of the monthly meeting agenda, as well as Steve McMahon and the Plone Foundation Board to provide feedback by the deadline.
After the meeting, Steve realized that GitHub does not really support comments unless it's during a code review in which changes are proposed, and only on changes. To submit comments, people must submit a pull request with proposed changes. That would mean opening several pull requests, instead of looking in one place. That's awkward.
Instead Steve suggests moving it to Google Drive for collecting comments and having a discussion, then incorporating any comments and changes as pull requests on GitHub.
Google Drive version for public comment:
Paul posted the instructions for the CA at:
The process will not change. A copy must be printed and signed in ink, then scanned or photographed, and delivered. We lack the infrastructure to properly implement electronic signatures that satisfy European Union requirements, so they are not an option.
Google Drive version for public comment:
5. Discuss whether to change software license to MIT
This needs to wait until we have revised the Plone Contributor Agreement.
6. New business.
a. Plone Foundation Bylaws
Membership should include Pylons and Zope contributors.
b. Artistic Trademarks or Artwork Copyright
Steve will Contact Blaise LaFlamme to obtain an assignment of copyright to CC-BY-SA v4.0 for all the artwork that both he and Felix contributed to Pyramid and the Pylons Project.
c. GSoC
Nejc will pursue becoming a Google Summer of Code project and mentor under the Python Software Foundation. The project's goal is to publish a real world "todo" application, where a variety of front ends and back ends use the same API specification. Pyramid would be the backend for a contribution to the real world repository.
7. Next Meeting, Monday, March 25, 19:00 UTC
Fourth Monday of the month.
11:00 AM Pacific / 19:00 UTC
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Here is the GitHub repo and project to track our progress.