Purpose of barceloneta.plone.local.less

In the barceloneta theme, what is the purpose of the barceloneta.plone.local.less file?
It doesn't appear to be used.
The manifest.cfg file registers barceloneta.plone.less.

When you run "grunt less" inside Barceloneta, it uses that file as default LESS entry point. It simply includes the toolbar LESS variables before barceloneta.plone.less. Not sure why it points to an external URL, though. We should probably fix that to ensure more stable builds. This code's untouched since Barceloneta was migrated to Diazo: https://github.com/plone/plonetheme.barceloneta/commit/8cec5206a87e8c6e42d90bb01dcc6ec48d286385

So there's an issue with using barceloneta.plone.less in the grunt config file then?

Maybe it complains about some variable when compiling:

If not you can probably PR an improvement :wink: