I am looking for updated projects of cities that running on Plone
also would like to know who is the website master of Plonegov.org?
Hi @oferw you might check out http://www.onegov.ch/. It is a Plone based solution espacially designed for the extranet, intranet and collaboration platform of cities, which is quite popular in Switzerland. AFAIK the biggest consumers are
- Bern ( http://www.bern.ch/ ) and
- Winterthur ( http://www.winterthur.ch - not sure if online already)
among others. You might contact https://www.4teamwork.ch/ for more information.
Hi Ofer you should also get into contact with Joel Lambilotte of http://imio.be.
They run 230 municipalities on Plone in Belgium, including some big cities.
There have been a few attempts to update plonegov.org to make it more relevant and easier to maintain. The last idea was just a map showing all the governments using plone around the world. It would still be good to do this.