Plone6 custom ZCatalog adding issue

Hi, Guys,

I created custom ZCatalog programmatically using XML and Python code as described: [Minimal code for creating a new catalog].

and when add-on installs log state:

[GenericSetup.catalog:98][waitress-0] Catalog imported.

That customs catalog shown in ZMI, but when I click on it http://localhost:8080/Plone/mycsutomcatalog/manage_workspace - returns 404

no any errors in logs found. looks like Plone cant find proper view to display it contents or what?

Plone 6.0.9 (6020)
CMF 3.2
Zope 5.9
Python 3.10.12 (main, Nov 20 2023, 15:14:05) [GCC 11.4.0]
PIL 9.5.0 (Pillow)
Server: waitress 2.1.2

Please advice where to look for :slight_smile:

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Leonid Toporkov via Plone Community wrote at 2024-2-7 09:41 +0000:

no any errors in logs found. looks like Plone cant find proper view to display it contents or what?

The error_log object is typically configured to ignore
"NotFound" exceptions. You can reconfigure it to get an entry
in the error_log (and with appropriate configuration in the log file)
for "Not Found".

This will not solve your problem but you may get more information.

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SOLVED - Thanks! That was really helpful

The issue was just empty docstring

zExceptions.Forbidden: The object at http://localhost:8080/Plone/sample_catalog has an empty or missing docstring. Objects must have a docstring to be published.

my bad - thanks again :slight_smile:

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