Good evening, Plone community!
I am in the process of getting my plone instance working. Unfortunately, when I go to create a new site, there is an error. The traceback is below. Note: I can't provide the whole traceback due to the post limit.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Cannot find registry
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.bundles Cannot find registry
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.browserlayer Browser layers imported
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Cannot find registry
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.bundles Cannot find registry
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.toolset Toolset imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.componentregistry Adapters registered.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.componentregistry Utilities registered.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.controlpanel Control panel imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.actions Actions tool imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.controlpanel Control panel imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.browserlayer Browser layers imported
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.types Types tool imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.types 'Discussion Item' type info imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.resourceregistry Javascript registry imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.catalog Catalog imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.workflow Workflow tool imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile profile-plone.resource:default
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.toolset Toolset imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.componentregistry Adapters registered.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.componentregistry Utilities registered.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.controlpanel Control panel imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.browserlayer Browser layers imported
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Imported schema
2021-06-12 17:03:36 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile profile-plone.outputfilters:default
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile profile-plone.portlet.collection:default
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.portlets Portlets imported
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile profile-plone.portlet.static:default
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.portlets Portlets imported
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile profile-plone.keyring:default
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.componentregistry Utilities registered.
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile profile-plone.protect:default
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying main profile profile-Products.CMFPlone:dependencies
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.controlpanel Control panel imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:37 INFO GenericSetup.portlets Portlets imported
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Importing profile with dependency strategy upgrade.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool No upgrades available for profile Profile stays at version (u'3',).
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.controlpanel Control panel imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool No upgrades available for profile Profile stays at version (u'1', u'0a1').
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile profile-plone.formwidget.recurrence:default
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.actions Actions tool imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.controlpanel Control panel imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.browserlayer Browser layers imported
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.types Types tool imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.types 'Plone Site' type info imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.types 'Folder' type info imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.types 'Collection' type info imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Old catalog DateIndex start deleted.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Catalog DateRecurringIndex start created.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Catalog metadata column start already exists.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Old catalog DateIndex end deleted.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Catalog DateRecurringIndex end created.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Catalog metadata column end already exists.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Catalog FieldIndex sync_uid created.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Catalog metadata column sync_uid created.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.portlets Portlets imported
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool No upgrades available for profile Profile stays at version (u'13',).
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool No upgrades available for profile Profile stays at version (u'1',).
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool No upgrades available for profile Profile stays at version (u'1',).
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO Products.GenericSetup.tool Applying profile
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.rolemap Role / permission map imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup. DiffTool settings imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup. DiffTool settings imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.browserlayer Browser layers imported
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.types Types tool imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.types 'Plone Site' type info imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.types 'Collection' type info imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.types 'Document' type info imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 INFO GenericSetup.types 'Folder' type info imported.
2021-06-12 17:03:38 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog 1623531818.920.0380756931745 http://localhost:8080/@@plone-addsite
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 138, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 77, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 48, in call_object
Module Products.CMFPlone.browser.admin, line 272, in __call__
Module Products.CMFPlone.factory, line 157, in addPloneSite
Module Products.GenericSetup.tool, line 388, in runAllImportStepsFromProfile
- __traceback_info__:
Module Products.GenericSetup.tool, line 1469, in _runImportStepsFromContext
Module Products.GenericSetup.tool, line 1281, in _doRunImportStep
- __traceback_info__: typeinfo
Module Products.CMFCore.exportimport.typeinfo, line 225, in importTypesTool
Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 853, in importObjects
- __traceback_info__: portal_types
Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 849, in importObjects
- __traceback_info__: types/Link
Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 512, in _importBody
Module Products.CMFCore.exportimport.typeinfo, line 60, in _importNode
Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 784, in _initProperties
Module plone.dexterity.fti, line 305, in _updateProperty
Module zope.lifecycleevent, line 101, in modified
Module zope.event, line 32, in notify
Module zope.component.event, line 27, in dispatch
Module zope.component._api, line 139, in subscribers
Module zope.interface.registry, line 448, in subscribers
Module zope.interface.adapter, line 619, in subscribers
Module zope.component.event, line 36, in objectEventNotify
Module zope.component._api, line 139, in subscribers
Module zope.interface.registry, line 448, in subscribers
Module zope.interface.adapter, line 619, in subscribers
Module plone.dexterity.fti, line 560, in ftiModified
Module plone.supermodel.utils, line 320, in syncSchema
TypeError: 'NoneType' object does not support item assignment
2021-06-12 17:04:06 INFO SignalHandler Caught signal SIGINT
2021-06-12 17:04:06 INFO Z2 Shutting down
Process finished with exit code 0
What needs to be done here?
I thank you kindly.