[plone.restapi] Serialization/deserialization of collective.z3cform.datagridfield fields?

We have a DX type using collective.z3cform.datagridfield where the values of one grid column are datetime instances.
So sending the value of such a grid field as JSON does not work out of the box because JSON does not support datetime instance. Of course I can convert datetime values to ISO8601 but how would plone.restapi deserialize this particular columns for this particular field on the Plone side?

The overall datastructure is like this:

grid_value = [
{start: some_datetime, ....},
{start: some_other_datetime, ...}


In plone.restapi we use DateTime to parse a ISO8601 string back to datetime: https://github.com/plone/plone.restapi/blob/master/src/plone/restapi/deserializer/dxfields.py#L89

You can add a (de)serializer that takes the json structure and get a dict out of it. I'm guessing the datagridfield will be smart enough to validate this, or you'll have to to that in the deserializer.

Adding a (de)serializer for a datagridfield should be enough to add support for it throughout plone.restapi, though you can only find out by using it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the pointer. I did not dig into the plone.restapi internals. But yes, a field specific deserializer might be part of the solution. In this case, such a deserializer must introspect the row schema of grid field and at least perform a specific deserialization for date/datetime fields within the row schema.

For now I am sending Python pickles around for this specific usecase :slight_smile:

For z3cform.datagridfield the field definition looks like

    table = schema.List(title=_(u'Seminar dates'),
                        value_type=DictRow(title=_(u'Seminar date'), schema=ITableRowSchema))

So for a deserializer you would have to override the default deserializer for IList. I don't see any reasonable way to register a deserializer specific to IList and its value_type schema....hm....

Here is a related bug report.

The IFieldDeserializer adapter is too weak in my opinion and needs more context information - at least in this particular case where the IList field "shadows" the underlaying z3cform.datagridfield.

I think there are several similar problems with DictRow (trying to use Images/Blobs, relation fields etc. ).

Could it be possible to have something like
(schema) DataGridList which could be based on IList, but with more options: like the ability to choose 'deserializer' ?

Ah, thanks!
We'll have to figure out something for (de)serializing the value_type correctly.

Perhaps an optional multi-adapter lookup to (, <interface of value type)) or something similar would help...or just pass additional context information to registered adapter besides the value.

In our current migration project with collective.exportimport and lots of collective.z3cform.datagridfield fields I made a datagridfield deserializer which iters over the collective.z3cform.datagridfield.interfaces.IRow schema and deserializes the columns using restapi (similiar to what the plone.restapi.deserializer.dxcontent module does only a bit simplified).

There's also a patch for the DatetimeDeserializer because the IDatamanager adapter wants to adapt the DictRow.schema interface to the context which cannot work.

Feedback welcome.