Plone on-site training

Does anyone provide professional on-site Plone 5.x training? We are looking for someone to help get us kick started with Plone 5.x. We currently utilize Plone 3 extensively. Please contact me at

Hi Darryl! Nice to see you :slight_smile: Yes, a lot of Plone providers provide on-site training (see I just gave a two-day on site Mastering Plone class twice in the last two months...

I suggest you work through before getting in-house training. That way you will know better where you need to dive deeper.

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Thanks for getting back with me Kim. Are you located in the US? And if so, would this be an engagement you’d be interested in?

We are probably looking for a week long training. There are just three of us here in my group that would need training.


Darryl Outlaw

Hi Daryl – ok, I replied by email and direct message here

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