Plone + nginx at Digital Ocean


I've successfully gotten nginx to proxy to a local instance of Plone 5.2.6
I've installed Plone 5.2.9 on a Digital Ocean 22.04 droplet, duplicated
the nginx configuration which is working on my laptop.

Starting nginx on D.O. fails with could not bind to : 80

so far the only difference I'm finding is in zinstance/var/log/instance.log:
on starting Plone, the D.O. ends with
[waitress:486][MainThread] Serving on http : / / : 80
the local version does not mention [waitress:486] or where it's serving

Could this be 5.2.6 v 5.2.9 related?

Any other places to look for clues?


Hello Kent,

It seems your Plone is listening on port 80; that is why nginx is not starting up. Could you change the port of Plone to 8080 and start it again?

Érico Andrei