Plone Foundation Board Minutes October 22, 2020
Present: Chrissy Wainwright, Fulvio Casali, Erico Andrei, Paul Roeland, Jens Klein, Andy Leeb, Victor Fernandez de Alba
Approval of the minutes of October 8, 2020
Paul moved to approve, Erico seconded
Unanimously Approved
Action Items
- x
Incoming Correspondence
- x
New Business
- Membership approval
- New member application unanimously approved for Mikel Larreategi
- Andy will send welcome email, Paul will add him to the mailing list
- News Item will be posted after notification
- Funding request
- Red Turtle requesting $600 USD for marketing, Paul motions to approve, Jens seconds, unanimously approved
Continued Business
- Plone Conference 2020
- 34 talk proposals, Guillotina, Volto included but no Zope or Pyramid yet
- Panel proposal for editing content Barcelonetta vs Volto
- We need to get more talk proposals!
- Python Foundation grant submission deadline looms, we will need a schedule of talks as part of the application
- Sponsorship page is up
- [Executive Session]
- Renewal cycle
- Renewal team will begin efforts on this in the upcoming weeks
- Zope Domain
- Lawyers are working on it
- A key actor has been identified as still among the living, and contact has been initiated, waiting on response
- legacy buildouts may be impacted if the domain becomes unregistered
- review ongoing
Review Ongoing
- sponsorship request and logo is being sorted
- AI Team - new member, merge with testing team is complete
- jenkins needs some attention, transitioning is an on-going process
- contributor agreement discussion
- legacy server too expensive and specs are a few years out of date
- 2 accounts with Hetzner:
- Zope
- Jenkins
- these should likely be combined, AI team will work on this in the next calendar year
- 2 accounts with Hetzner:
- 2005 picture anyone have one?
Paul moved to adjourn, Erico seconded
Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 19:59 UTC