Hey all, and welcome to Finland next autumn! University of Jyväskylä is excited to host Plone Conference 2025 and we are eagerly looking to meet new people in Jyväskylä.
Conference organizing is advancing well. We will have great facilities for training, conference, sprint and also a party! Two days of training, three days of conference talks and the weekend for sprinting. In addition to this, on Friday 17th, we will combine Plone Conference with a brand new event, Python Day Jyväskylä and hope to lure also Finnish Python people around!
Jyväskylä is a beautiful place to be in winter, spring and summer. But be assured that "the city of light" will treat you well even in autumn! Check out information about the city and the lakeland region around it: https://visitjyvaskyla.fi/en/
Call for papers and early bird ticket sales will open in the upcoming weeks, along with details about the venue, hotels and travel, so stay tuned for more information and be sure to follow ploneconf in your favourite social media platform.