May 13th 2021
Attending: Rikupekka, Erico, Sally, William
- Plone 6
- News and events
- - Minisprint summary and what next
- Other issues
News and events
- Published: Plone 6 Micro-Sprint — Plone: Enterprise Level CMS - Free and OpenSource - Community Driven - Secure
- Hotfix Security vulnerability pre-announcement: 20210518 — Plone: Enterprise Level CMS - Free and OpenSource - Community Driven - Secure
- 3 Tweets, today, on the day and after
- Videos are available -> 60 days of tweets of presentation plonecms twitter
- Plone 6 news item and Plone 6 info page in the works
Plone 6 discussion
- Plone 6: Volto or Default and Classic - discussion
- Plone 6 info page 2 versions (short and long)
- Not ready to publish yet
- Folders (or lack thereof in Volto) discussion needed
- Volto Multilingual
- Needs effort for translating 30 languages this year
- Edit the .po file
- TODO: New frontpage content for Default and Classic Plone
- Frontpage for each plone installation (classic and default)
- Frontpage for demosites (classic and default)
- We will put the draft pages in too as private.
- Create a news item about Plone 6, link to info page
- Not ready for news item yet - Minisprint summary and what next
- Minisprint documentation
- Need to schedule the next one.