team meeting notes 20150612 team meeting notes 20150612

Chrissy Wainwright, Carol Ganz, Christina McNeill, Kim Nguyen

  • we have basically launched. we need a news item on - Christina to draft

  • we are getting basic sponsorships in!

  • we need to generate more success stories. Kim to advertise for more. The message: "Help us help you"; we can only polish the story, not write it from scratch. Kim to hide all fields except for the first 4 (required) fields and add a "show more fields" button.

  • do we need a link to on Chrissy to add a rotating banner. "Evaluating Plone? Go to!" "Want to share information about Plone to someone new to Plone? Go to!"

  • Chrissy to add link to in footer too

  • maybe Maurits would help with success stories. Christina to ask.

  • Kim to look at the case studies form. Can we use it to simplify success story submission form?

  • Chrissy: still interested in coming up with a new view on providers page. Will send around a mockup.

  • re: the "enterprise" word on front page - leave as is for now, as with the rest of home page

  • Chrissy to rename "recent site launches" to "recent success stories" portlet. still currently a static text portlet.

Next meeting

Friday, June 19, 2015 10:00-11:00 US Central