Plone: cannot Add New Forum in Ploneboard despite permissions

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I have installed Ploneboard (3.5) for my Plone 4.3.3. I would like to have non-managers non-administrators to be able to Add new forum. However, if I (being an) admin, in Site Setup->Users and Groups set non-admin non-manager role (say Editor or Contributor or Member) for a particular user, that user will not have an Add new tab which allows to add forums or posts even though I (as an admin) enabled all Sharing options (under Sharing tab), namely: Can add, Can edit, Can review, Can view.

I have tried to go to Security tab in ZMI in both root and my Plone site and enable Add forum option for member, owner and contributor, but to no success. In fact, when I check for Allowed permissions for that particular user in ZMI I can see: Ploneboard: Add Forum as well as other Ploneboard permissions.

I am really lost here. How can I get non-admin/manager user to be able to add forums?
