I’ve been pushing hard the last year for Plone to have a solid headless CMS story.
Why? Because it makes more sense than ever. Plone already qualifies for this category of CMSs, since we made Plone RESTAPI layer a reality. It turns out that in 2024 is how CMSs sell nowadays. There’s been an outburst of them in the last years. We need to update our selling narrative to include this face of our beloved CMS.
We are selling Plone the same way we did since early 2000, leaning on a monolithic UI, either Classic or Volto, and feature comparing with other solutions out there that does the same. But the fact is that since our stack has grown over the last years, now is capable (or potentially capable) of much more. For these reason we should be able to broaden the Plone feature offering and cover new use cases and integrations where Plone can be used.
I gave a talk about it during the last Plone Conference, if you still haven’t watched yet, it’s a good starting point.
I am currently advocating and evangelising about a new set of packages that will allow us to build this new story. I briefly explain them in my blog post:
My proposal is to approach this from two different vectors: A pure technical one, and a more marketinian one.
Since both sides are huge, I'd like for now this group to focus in the technical part.
My approach to it is quite simple: we need to provide Plone of the missing pieces that are necessary to build this story. We have the most important one: the RESTAPI interface. There are other pieces that we are missing, some of them are buried in Volto itself and are impossible to use outside it. Others have to be rethought and refactored. Others have to be built from the ground up:
- An agnostic client to access the RESTAPI
- A new data fetching layer pluggable
- A new set of agnostic set of headless UI components
- The Volto add-on and configuration registry as a standalone package
- Contents view and other CMSUI components as standalone
- Typings in all the stack
Once we have them all, we could build Plone sites on the top of any framework, build or environment.
These packages are foundational, meaning, we can't build more complex things if we don't have them and we battle test them.
The ultimate goal is to reintegrate them into our reference implementation (Volto) so it can benefit also from them.
My intention with this team is that we start meeting and muse around these ideas and continue the development of these new breed of Plone tools, so we keep going steadily.
Who's in?
PS: This interest group is not addressed for newcomers or GSOC candidates students.