Plone API Interactive Session

Please pardon if this is a silly question, but... Is there some way to run python interactively so that one can access the Plone API? It would greatly speed development of scripts that use the Plone API.

ronc via Plone Community wrote at 2019-10-21 21:38 +0000:

Please pardon if this is a silly question, but... Is there some way to run python interactively so that one can access the Plone API? It would greatly speed development of scripts that use the Plone API.

You can use bin/{instance|client1} debug. You would use
bin/instance for a ZEO less installation and bin/client1 for one
involving ZEO.

On development you could use iw.debug. Using iw.debug you can call ipdb in any object of your instance, by adding /ipdb to any url. Also see

Keep in mind that using the debug option does not make you an authenticated user.
It may be necessary use newSecurityManager() for creating a more priviledged security context.

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