Plone and Ecommerce

Just looking for best bets for Plone and Ecommerce:

It seems like the most credible options are Products.PloneGetPaid, pcommerce
and EasyShop.

Any thoughts on this, especially best bet for a Plone 5 deployment?

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You should (also) have a look at :

It has a more modern feeling, I have set up a few sites with it, like

@espenmn, thanks for that note, is now on the list. At my first glance I see that it has been updated in the last 3 months, it uses robot tests and appears to be built in a way that might work with Plone 5 (support or Dexterity and Archetypes).
Of course I will need to test it to see if my perspective is accurate.

I use Products.PloneGetPaid, I like the integration with PloneFormGen for custom check-out forms.

We have gradually transitioned from PloneGetPaid to using and find it has a lot going for it.

When looking at the available alternatives 1.5 years or so ago it stood out as being the most 'current' with a decent amount of activity taking place on it. I guess e-commerce add-on's are never really 'done' and there are always features that can be added and improved on.

I'm currently in the process of consolidating our local changes with a view to get some bugfixes and updated EN translations back into the core. Am happy to answer any questions you might have on the product :smile:

@ezvirtual and @rnunez,
Thanks for the feedback. Between PloneGetPaid and which is a better starting point for sellling intangibles? Think subscriptions or access to private content....

Hi again @pigeonflight, has existing functionality allowing you to choose if products are 'shippable' or not, which - in my understanding - is to support the kind of use case you're talking about. I don't recall PloneGetPaid having equivalent existing functionality.

From using the - and various interactions with the bda guys responsible for writing them - the packages are written with some focus on being lightweight and extensible / supporting a range of independent use cases.

There's a current issue for discussion re: requirements for [Plone 5 support][1]

Good luck!

For a simple shop solution we have used, you can see it in action at

I'am one of the authors of and its ecosystem. Robert Niederreiter is lead of the project and @agitator, @thet and me are involved in depth. We also got already awesome contributions from the community. We never advertised it a lot and used it primary for our own projects, but its opensource with an open contribution model. So some like @espenmn @ezvirtual and others found it and used it! is a micro-framework for shops. Its was made with the experience of PloneShop (Plone 1.0) PloneMall (Plone 2.0-3.x) and some minor special projects we're developed by us (BlueDynamics Alliance). is very flexible and comes with a first out-of-the-box experience. But in fact it's meant to be extended with an own package for configuration, maybe own types, custom payments and all you need. Also we're very open for discussions and contributions to its core packages.

We're using it in very different projects. There is also bda.plone.ticketshop based on

At the moment its not tested on Plone 5. From it's architecture I'am sure its not a big deal to make it work. It supports dexterity very well. All around new Resource Registries may need some love. We try so find some time at Plone conference to make it work with Plone 5.

Hi @pigeonflight,

sellling intangibles is no problem with But we did it in past also with GetPaid. The problem we had with GetPaid (and why we started is, its not maintained, code is distributed over several places and it's architecture in a bunch of corners imho is adventurous. If you have any questions just come back and we try to answer.

hth Jens

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This give me some good context... definitely keeping on the radar.

@jensens - any update on the product. is it plone 5 compatible.

@espenmn - I have opened a post / suggestions that plone 5 can be used as an Ebook alternative. Would like to work with you towards creating a solution for this.

I think it is a low hanging fruit. I had not seen this thread before my suggestion.

At the moment we at BlueDynamics Alliance (lead by @agitator, may you please follow up on this?) are upgrading to Plone 5.

I know I should look at the repo first but......
asking first here about the status of and Plone 5 compatibility.

Hi David,

there has been good progress in achieving Plone 5 support, there's still some things left though.

  • bda.plone.productshop still needs migration (basically splitting up GS profile and resources to generic, p4 and p5 related stuff)
  • collective.z3cform.datagridfield still not displays control icons properly. This widget is used for some shop configuration settings in shop control panel
  • Some form widgets in bda.plone.orders and (and probably some others) needs CSS love (YAFOWIL forms)

You're welcome to help out getting this things done :slight_smile:

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We discussed ecommerce in Plone at the conference a little and there seemed to be a consensus that we should focus our efforts on and once it it polished and documented well enough showcase it prominently on to make ecommerce in Plone more visible.
At the in Munich @gomez worked on moving bda.plone.productshop to Plone 5:

Following up on this topic. Has anyone implementing 3D Secure ( with Plone ecommerce?

We just did the first implementation of stripe payments for

Stripe has support for 3d-secure
One can extend bda.plone.stripe by overriding the

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Sally and co. will be giving a talk on Jazkarta's work:
