Plone 6 Classic - weekly sprint

everybody can join as and when they can, some before fishing the day, others are early birds :smiley:

Thank to work of awesome Plone people, we are down to 16 test failures now.
The last one are probably a bit harder to fix, as some of them are actual problems in the patterns, but we are continue working on them.
Plone ES6 test failures

@thet also made some progress on the module federation story and will continue to test and document the solution.

See you all next Wednesday :wink:

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hurray :smiley:

i took a look at robot tests and want to pass on some knowledge/questions/overview as some tests fail for reasons not being part of the rewritten pattern stuff.

like controlpanel_social.robot - the boolean flag is a required field and the test tries to not use it an hit save - breaks as the field is required, also fails when that boolean is checked...

is there an overview of all tests which still needs fixes according to the plip?

thanks to @petschki this boolean thing was fixed and had nothing to do with the plip itself - still nice that this error is gone.

We now have a green build on jenkins and are working on mockup unit tests.

Also we still have some not working bit's which are not covered by the tests so far, which we need to address. If you can help by adding robot tests to CMFPlone or jest unit test to mockup, or just by testing out the ES6 PLIP and reporting issues, would be awesome.

thank you all for jumping on board and helping to get get us closer to finish this important milestone for Plone 6 Classic UI.

cu you all next wednesday :wink:


To summarize all the improvements that have gone into Plone 6 Classic, I looked through

Is it correct to summarize these as:

  • Bootstrap 5
  • ECMAScript 6
  • improved resource registry
  • Mockup improvements
  • WebPack 5
  • Barceloneta LTS
  • ECMAScript 6 >> ES Modules
  • new icon resolver and icon registry (SVG)
  • favicon replaceable in site control panel
  • New Bootstrap based toolbar
  • TinyMCE 5
    but before you go viral with this, maybe wait until we get closer to beta.

Would love to join! Not sure I will be able to — there are some doctor things I have that day.

right now nothing is happening, but we could ramp this up soon. But probably not before the alpine city sprint in Feb.