Plone 6.0.9 soft released

Plone 6.0.9 has been soft released today. For those who haven't run across soft-releases before, this is the last step before the final release. Because things haven't been finalized yet, some packages may change between now and the release. It is not recommended to use soft-releases in production.

Release notes for Plone 6.0.9rc1

If you want to jump straight in, here are two important links:


Major changes since 6.0.8:

  • Plone 6.0.9 is the first release to officially support Python 3.12!
  • Zope: Officially support Python 3.12.
  • plone.restapi:
    • Added preview_image and preview_image_link to the list of smart fields for resolveuid and link integrity.
  • ZEO:
    • Version 6.0.0 supports Python 3.12.
    • It also switches "to using async/await directly instead of @coroutine/yield".
    • That last change sounds like it could potentially have unforeseen side effects, so it would be good to get this more field tested.
      (I may be too cautious here.)
    • So for Python 3.11 and lower we pin 5.4.1, and on Python 3.12 we pin 6.0.0.
      You are encouraged to try out the newer version on all Python versions, and report any problems.
      We will likely pin the new version for all Python versions in the next Ploen bugfix release.
    • See the ZEO 6.0.0 changelog

Volto frontend

The default frontend for new Plone 6 sites is Volto. Latest release is 16.30.0. See the changelog.
Note that this is a JavaScript frontend that you need to run in a separate process with NodeJS.

Also, existing Plone sites need some or more extensive changes to be upgraded before they can use the Volto Frontend. Please read the guide on migrating from Plone Classic UI to Volto.

Note that Volto 17 is also available, and you can use it on Plone 6.0, but we will keep recommending Volto 16 by default.

Classic UI

The HTML based and server side rendered UI that was present in Plone 5.2 and earlier major Plone releases is still available and has also been updated and improved upon in Plone 6. Our documentation now refers to this frontend as 'Classic UI'. Support for Classic UI is especially relevant for existing Plone sites which for whatever reason or requirements are not yet ready to be upgraded to the Volto frontend.

Python compatibility

This release supports Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12.

Plone 6.0.9 is the first release that officially supports Python 3.12. This is made possible by recent changes in Zope and RestrictedPython.
Note that Plone 6.0 is tested on Python 3.8 and 3.11 on every change to core packages. For the other Python versions we run the tests once a week.

pip, buildout, setuptools

In Plone core we use these versions to install Plone:


In general you are free to use whatever versions work for you, but these worked for us.


For installation instructions, see the documentation.


If you find any issues, please report them in the main issue tracker.


Updated my current local development project buildout and everything went fine ...

Same here, current dev project is looking good.

I have released Plone 6.0.9 final. Waiting for Docker images before announcing it officially, but meanwhile you can use already.

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