Plone 5 - Protect a form against robots


I created a form on a new Plone 5 site that I want to protect against robots.

I use for the current site with Plone 4.3 the add-on 'collective.z3cform.norobots' that works fine.

I tried the same with Plone 5 and I could any value to the norobots field and the validation passes. The validation only fails if I leave the field blank.

My source code looks like this:

norobots = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Are you a human ?'),
                           description=_(u'In order to avoid spam, please answer the question below.'),

fields = field.Fields(ISiteAccountForm)
fields['norobots'].widgetFactory = NorobotsFieldWidget

validator.WidgetValidatorDiscriminators(NorobotsValidator, field=ISiteAccountForm['norobots'])

Seemed so that this add-on doesn't work with Plone 5. Are there another add-on etc. that I could use instead to reach my goal, keep away robots?

Thanks for any hints,

I ran into the same issues for captcha

a product by @vangheem helps by sending email to new registrants and holding their status until they reply.

works well an I no longer get the junk registration. I think the captcha product should be brought into P5 for added security.


thanks for your reply. I'll have a look on that add-on and hope for some updates of the norobots add-on.
