Plone 5.2.7 released

Plone 5.2.7 is a bug fix release of Plone 5.2.

Installers can be downloaded with the buttons below. Experienced users can update their buildout config by pointing to

Linux/BSD/Unix users: Use the Unified Installer. It is a configuration and setup kit with build scripts.

Windows 10 users: use the Unified Installer. See Windows-specific installation instructions. Consider using the unified installer within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

OS X users: use the Vagrant kit or install XCode command-line tools and use the Unified Installer.

Automated provisioning: See Plone's Ansible Playbook for a full-stack installation kit.

Cross-platform Docker: install Docker and use the Plone Docker image.

For the Plone 5.2 upgrade guide, see

Specific release notes for Plone 5.2.7:

Some highlights of this release are:

  • and Products.ATContentTypes: Security fix: prevent cache poisoning with the Referer header. See security advisory.
  • Track integrity of video and audio files in HTML source tags.
  • and Enable multiple wysiwyg editors (use default editor registry setting).
  • plone.namedfile: Make DefaultImageScalingFactory more flexible, with methods you can override.
  • Improved the Global section viewlet:
    • Catalog based navigation.
    • Allow more customization by adding methods as hooks.
    • Various performance optimizations.
    • Deprecate now unused navtree_depth property.
  • diazo: Removed FormEncode test dependency.
  • plone.restapi: Be permissive when testing the schema of the querystring endpoint.


See also, which contains a detailed changelog.


BTW: Plone 5.2.7 is not visible in the list at

The url is working though

It is there, but it is on the next batch page. Not very helpful...
I have rearranged the folder contents to be reverse ordered by publication date.
Thanks for the warning.

1 Like

Thank you.