Plone 5.2.2 soft released

Windows 10 support update:

  • branches are merged.
  • a Github Action checks now if the buildout runs w/o failure on linux, ubuntu and macos.
  • Plone Core Development under Windows is possible to a certain degree
  • tests are failing on Windows.

To whom it concerns:

  • Install Git and Python 3 using its installers.
  • use a PowerShell in administrator mode.
  • clone buildout.coredev 5.2 or 6.0
  • cd into the buildout folder
  • create virtual Python environment: python -m venv py
  • run pip: .\py\Scripts\pip.exe -U pip and .\py\Scripts\pip.exe -r requirements.txt
  • run buildout: .\py\Scripts\buildout.exe
  • it case of PermissionErrors just re-run buildout. Those are random and something Windows specific. After some runs all should be installed (usually 2-3 here) sigh
  • copy parts\instance\etc\wsgi.ini to zope.ini.
  • edit the copied zope.ini and change/ replace section [server:main] with
    use = egg:waitress#main
    host =
    port = 8080
  • start Plone with .\bin\runwsgi.exe -v zope.ini or in debug mode with .\bin\runwsgi.exe -dv zope.ini