Plone 5.2.2 soft released

I setup a Plone 5.2.0 and migrated it to 5.2.2 without seeing any Problems.
The custom css part of the theming control panel is working as expected.

I have had vacation, and then a few non-Plone days (Django, Flask). Now I am back and see that much has been fixed. Thanks a lot!
Many small but welcome fixes, a lot of them for translations and UI fixes. But biggest is Zope 4.5. That should fix various problems with page templates.

Known issues:

New versions:

extends =
mockup                                = 3.2.1                     = 3.8.5                 = 2.3.2                = 2.1.9                      = 3.4.4                     = 5.1.24                 = 1.4.14                       = 2.6.5
plone.restapi                         = 6.13.7
plone.staticresources                 = 1.3.1
plonetheme.barceloneta                = 2.1.8
Products.CMFCore                      = 2.4.8
Products.CMFPlone                     = 5.2.2rc2
Products.MimetypesRegistry            = 2.1.7

I have updated
Note that the files there are cached, which is useful, except for versions.cfg (and constraints.txt). If near the top you see an extends of Zope 4.5, then you have the correct version. Otherwise add something like versions.cfg?yourname=1 to the url to avoid the cache.

Has anyone tried tinyMCE image captioning in 5.2.2?

I failed to do a rigorous before-and-after test on my build, and behold, when I go to TinyMCE and try to 'include caption with image' I don't see the option. And it's been months since I played with it.

If it is there, can someone screenshot it?

Our imported content is showing captions, so the resolveuid-and-caption transform is doing it's job on our system.

Update: it was my fault. I had plone.staticresources pinned at 1.2.0 in my buildout.

We (@nilshofer my intern and I) are trying to make things work on Windows again are making good progress. The branch is here:

And it has an Github Action to test if buildout runs on window, macos and linux with the different Python versions 2.7, 3.6-3.8):

@mauritsvanrees There are changes in collective.recipe.omelette and zope.sendmail and a change in requirements.txt and in core.cfg (not release relevant, but probably for the Installer) I would like to get into the 5.2.2 release.

With those in, buildout works in Windows 10 in an Administrator Powershell.

At the moment we are struggling with plone.recipe.zope2instance and its usage of zdaemon. We may need to invoke waitress directly if we can not get it fixed.

We also already touched the Installer and merged a PR there. But maybe more work need to be done there.

[update] Draft PR here [/update]


Update: Since plone.recipe.zope2instance uses zdaemon - which is not supposed to work on Windows - its completly broken. Bug Report:

To me this is is a critical problem. We now try to move around this by using waitress directly w/o the paste.server_factory = plone.recipe.zope2instance:main.

Any ideas how to fix plone.recipe.zope2instance?

Windows 10 support update:

  • branches are merged.
  • a Github Action checks now if the buildout runs w/o failure on linux, ubuntu and macos.
  • Plone Core Development under Windows is possible to a certain degree
  • tests are failing on Windows.

To whom it concerns:

  • Install Git and Python 3 using its installers.
  • use a PowerShell in administrator mode.
  • clone buildout.coredev 5.2 or 6.0
  • cd into the buildout folder
  • create virtual Python environment: python -m venv py
  • run pip: .\py\Scripts\pip.exe -U pip and .\py\Scripts\pip.exe -r requirements.txt
  • run buildout: .\py\Scripts\buildout.exe
  • it case of PermissionErrors just re-run buildout. Those are random and something Windows specific. After some runs all should be installed (usually 2-3 here) sigh
  • copy parts\instance\etc\wsgi.ini to zope.ini.
  • edit the copied zope.ini and change/ replace section [server:main] with
    use = egg:waitress#main
    host =
    port = 8080
  • start Plone with .\bin\runwsgi.exe -v zope.ini or in debug mode with .\bin\runwsgi.exe -dv zope.ini

I could use some assistance to get a fix in mockup merged into plone.staticressources.
See and
The process required to update plone.staticresources is freaking me out.

Well, if it's freaking you out, with the updated instructions from Vincent Fretin in the package, can we all please imagine how difficult it is for others to update anything in the core Plone frontend story at the moment?

(Trying to overwrite/fix something in the TinyMCE pattern today myself....)


I found a small blocker for 5.2.2 that was recently introduced:

I have made release candidate 5.2.2rc3:
All points above should have been addressed. Biggest change is Zope 4.5.1.

A final test is welcome, but I think I will just make this final in an hour or so.

Edit: I forget to push versions.cfg, so now you get a 'page not found' error, which is cached. You can see the new versions with a random cache-busting parameter like this:

It's a wrap! Plone 5.2.2 final is here.
I have added release notes:

Note that the release is not considered official yet until the Installers are out. But from now on this is the recommended stable version and you should be happy to put it in production.
As always: please first test the install locally or on a test server.


And... there was one last-minute addition. I say last-minute, but it was planned for longer. It is a little gift from the Plone security team. Products.isurlinportal 1.1.0 contains a fix for a small vulnerability. See public bug report here with some more explanation:


Thanks for the excellent work! now supports 5.2.2 final and I'll update this week

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Thanks a lot Maurits! Great work!!!

When upgrading our largest current project to Plone 5.2.2 I ran into an issue with collective.solr which I fixed by adding a provides attribute to an adapter registration:

From the changelog I could not figure out why this breaks in Plone 5.2.2. I do not have much time right now to investigate but maybe this is helpful for someone... now runs 5.2.2
Nightly builds for 5.2.x in py2 and py3 and for Plone 6.0 (without Volto) are redone will be available as soon as the DNS switch is done.

Great work! Thank you all!

I'm wondering when the UnifiedInstaller zip file at will be available in order to proceed also with the Docker image release

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An installer release would be great. Anyway I would like to see the UnifiedInstaller working & tested on Windows. There not much missing.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Brew and lxml for Plone 5.2