Plone 4: Restore 'portal_groups'


I somehow managed to lose (?) a 'portal_groups' object, which I would like to restore. I've been reading through Products.CMFPlone and a few other products, but haven't yet managed to find the location where this tool is created or registered. The most irritating thing was that I couldn't find this thing in a new Plone 4 site which I created from scratch, either.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,

Hi Toni,
portal_groups is typically located at your Plone site root. You can inspect this by going through the Zope Management Interface (in short: ZMI), e.g. http://localhost:8080/Plone/manage (whereas "Plone" is the site id).

Maybe you have to undo the transaction, that caused the deletion/relocation/renaming of portal_groups. Have a look into http://localhost:8080/Plone/manage_UndoForm

One example for that entry is here:


The tool itself is created in Products.PlonePAS (in tools/

best, Paul

Hi Paul,

thank you! I'll have a look.

Kind regards,

Alternatively, add a new Plone site and copy it (from there) in the ZMI (?)

All tools in Plone are located as objects contained in the site root object, and are all listed when viewing /manage_main for your site (the Zope Management Interface, or ZMI).

This tool in particular, if it was accidentally deleted somehow:

  • Is necessary for site function, but
  • does not store data on its own, so you have lost site function, but not likely any data of value
  • Can likely be re-added in the Zope 2 ZMI by:
  1. visiting /manage_main and navigating to the root of your Plone site in the ZMI
  2. selecting PlonePAS Tool from the Add dropdown (possibly clicking the Add button after, I cannot remember, since this is changed in Zope 4+).
  3. Selecting "Groups Tool".

Hi Espen,

I tried, but that didn't work out too well because the old site also has some bad registrations that I'll need to get rid of first - they spilled over into the new site, so the new site was immediately broken.

Too bad most of those errors are in a PAS related custom product... so not easy to fix.

Kind regards,

Hi Sean,

that worked like a charm. Thanks a lot!
The tool was added despite the traceback I got when trying to add it.

Kind regards,

Hi Sean,

I'm also now seeing the problem in Plone sites that do have the 'portal_groups' utility installed. The weird thing is, from a debug shell, I have no problems "finding" the tool:

>>> gtool = getToolByName(site, 'portal_groups')
>>> gtool
<GroupsTool at /01/mnt/Plone/portal_groups>

Having something to "reset" the entire PAS conglomerate inside a Plone site would be quite useful, but I hope I'll be able to work around this problem.

Kind regards,

Not sure this will be helpful out of the box, but may give you some new ideas.

In a Plone 5.1.6 site, I see:

Screenshot from 2024-09-13 15-24-29

Do you have the groupdata tool?

If you look in the portal_groupdata Interfaces tab, you will see the available PAS plugin interfaces.
In my case, using a vanilla setup:


Hi Norbert,

yes, I have these and quite a few others.

Thank you!

Kind regards,