Plone 4.3.10 soft-released

Plone 4.3.10 has been soft-released. Please give it a try and let me know if there are any critical issues.

For those who haven't run across soft-releases before, this is the
last step before the final release. Because things haven't been
finalized yet, some packages may change between now and the release. It
is not recommended to use soft-releases in production.


Eric, I released 4.3.11. Please include it in this release.

Working fine locally on two client sites, updated from 4.3.7.

Oh, we will want Pillow 3.2.0. According to this should still be fine for Python 2.6 as well.
I have updated the coredev 4.3 versions.

Optionally Products.PasswordResetTool 2.0.19 with a minor fix.

Not exactlty a "bug", but there's an alone tab for formatting in the versions.cfg file for plone4.csrffixes.

plone.z3cform                         = 0.8.1
plone4.csrffixes					  = 1.0.9
plonetheme.classic                    = 1.3.3
plonetheme.sunburst                   = 1.4.7

@smcmahon Please check if this small fix will be needed as well in 4.3.10 tag, since it was in 4.3.9.

The new Pillow needs the just released Products.PortalTransforms 2.1.12, though this is only for a test fix.

Builds cleanly with the Unified Installer.

There were tabs in the plone4.csrffixes line in versions.cfg. I have replaced them with spaces in the coredev 4.3 buildout.

4.3.10 is released. Installers will be available shortly.