Hey Folks. This is another deep-dive for me.
I've been inside Products.PortalTransforms and plone.outputfilters before, but this one is stumping me.
We have a media button in TinyMCE that places a video into a rich text field. Nothing Fancy.
We stick some HTML in there for the user.
<p> blah blah blah </p>
<p><video width="300" height="150">
<source src="https://www.rfa.org/english/video?v=1_3g5xp97h" /></video></p>
<p>blah blah blah</p>
plone.outputfilters handles the rest. The solution is identical to 'resolve_uid_and_caption' except we grab that video tag and replace it with the real video.
Things worked fine until we HAD TO start using javascript to embed the video.
HTML filtering is a good thing. We do not want users typing javascript into the source of a rich text field and having it rendered. We don't want to turn that off. 'script' is not in the allowed tags list, and probably will even remain in nasty tags.
To embed the video with javascript, we are maintaining that javascript with a view and template. This is just like what you find in plone.outputfilters/browser/configure.zcml . The javascript goes into video_output.pt
and gets all it's info/options/variables from the filter adapter.
plone.outputfilters is, IMO, amazingly built and very flexable.
This is fantastic except for one annoying part - plone,outputfilters is a transform POLICY. It's not actually part of a transform chain.
As the docs say: plone.outputfilters · PyPI
plone.outputfilters hooks into the PortalTransforms machinery by installing:
- a new mimetype (“text/x-plone-outputfilters-html”)
- a transform from text/html to text/x-plone-outputfilters-html
- a null transform from text/x-plone-outputfilters-html back to text/html
- a “transform policy” for the text/x-html-safe mimetype, which says that text being transformed to text/x-html-safe must first be transformed to text/x-plone-outputfilters-html
The filter adapters are looked up and applied during the execution of the transform from step #2.
This should be considered an implementation detail and may change at some point in the future.
What this means is that plone.outputfilters is run BEFORE safe-html. Any javascript added from a plone.outputfilters template is removed by the safe-html transform.
We are doing 'text/html' -> [required transforms: (outputfilters)] -> 'text/x-html-safe' any code from outputfilters is not safe and removed.
I would like to argue that html generated by outputfilters IS SAFE and does not need filtering.
(yea, a plugin could write something to inject unsanitized input through an output filter, but that's a self-inflicted injury at that point I think)
If somehow, plone could do a transform like 'text/html' -> 'text/x-html-safe' -> 'text/x-html-safe-and-outputfiltered' and remove outputfilters as a policy we could make this work for all of plone.
I don't know how to setup transform chains. never played with them. not sure if they would help here or not.
The above is going to probably take a PLIP and a rewrite of a fair chunk of outputfilters.
Any other more hacky thoughts on how to accomplish the requirement?
- Rich Text Fields need to be sanitized with html filters
- plone.outputfitlers replacements in Rich Text Fields should not be filtered
Thanks for applying a few of your neurons on this.