Our site http://plone.org/edu launches!

Thanks to some serious GTD (get things done) attitude and the help of several kind souls at the Bristol Plone Conference sprint, we are happy to announce that PloneEdu's new home on the web is at


It's not very fancy, but we think the important information is there and the structure is in place for us to get your education success stories and your own individual and organizational profiles listed!

Please help us by:

If you prefer, contact us at nguyen@uwosh.edu or sally@jazkarta.com and we will be glad to work with you to revise or edit whatever you send us before publishing it on the site.

We are working on forms to let you fill out your profile (ie. "about you") and to let you tell us how your educational institution uses Plone.

The forms are published and linked on the front of http://plone.org/edu