Other time settings in Plone 5 events?

Is there a way to allow start and end times other then full or half hour?
For example i want to set an end time to 23:45, how can i do that?

@thet maybe you have an idea?

There's a widget setting in the resource registries control panel > pattern options. Change the interval value.

Some older versions of 5.0 don't seem to have that interval bit in there, so here's what mine looks like:
{"date": {"selectYears": 200}, "time": {"interval": 15 } }

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ah, good to know, but it doesn't work.
The value are already like this, with changes:

pickadate {"date": {"selectYears": 200}, "time": {"interval": 5 } }

Plone 5.0.5 :wink:

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Feel free to copylift this Type-A-Date pattern: it works, it rocks.

This is pick-a-date plus (hopefully decent l10n) keyboard input for both date and time.

I don't have time yet to write tests for it -- when I do, I will put it into Mockup core as a distinct new pattern:

I'm using this and setting my interval to 15 minutes. But keyboard-input times don't care about your interval. Type 14:37, and you get 14:37 -- no rounding!


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That should work. I customize that on a few sites.

Sorry for my basic question, but how can I install typeadate in Plone?