Organizing a Plone+React sprint this year

After Rob Gietema's really cool talk last week in Sorrento on a Plone React client using RESTAPI we thought it might be interesting to organize a sprint to help him complete his work.

Anyone with JS, CSS and React experience is welcome.

At the moment the only sprint planned (other than the Barcelona ploneconf) is Asko's sprint at the beginning of July, so June (short notice), August or September could work.

Having Albert Casado would be nice to integrate his new Pastanaga design.

Since all sprints this year are in Europe we could try an alternative location in Canada or the US or Reykjavik (located half way!). The location decision will ultimately depend on what works best for key participants (Rob Gietema, Asko Soukka, Victor Fernandez de Alba, David Glick, Ramon Navarro Bosch, Albert Casado, Nathan Van Gheem, Time Stollenwerk, Sam Schwartz)

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Anyone with JS, CSS and React experience who is interested in joining the sprint, please reply below or email me (

We could host it in Berlin easily if an European location would be desired. :smile:


@gforcada guess who's just been added to the mailing list :slight_smile: Stand by for a Google sheet to help decide when and where to hold the sprint...

Any other interested parties?

A Google sheet with choices of locations and dates has gone out to those who said they were interested in participating in the sprint.

I'm interested. I'm sure @b4oshany who just got into GSOC2017 might be too :slight_smile:

No decision has been made but it seems September is the likeliest time, followed closely by October. (No final guidance yet on location.)

Here is what I propose: I think I will cancel my July sprint in Toulouse (because a lot of people will go to the Finland sprint, which is nice, and I fully support that), and instead run a sprint in Toulouse in september. The subject would be both React and Angular.
Who is interested?

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