Looking for an experienced developer to troubleshoot a problem.
We have number of problems/issues which we want to work on but wanted to start with the top priority first and then move further.
Its a short term assignment and good & successful work means more are soon on the way!
The problem:
To fix the background tasks running inside a zope instance at a schedule.
There are three background tasks that should run daily at a schedule, fetch data from some online webservices, parse and save them to MySQL and then push them to Zope objects or DB for to display on the Plone website.
The specs of all jobs are available in a word document, will be provided when we move further at the time of shortlisting the candidate.
The jobs were already developed and deployed some 3 years ago and failed to work some 6 months ago and we are not sure what and where is the issue.
So maybe some analysis would be required before committing to fix the work - We will assist you in that.
FYI - Previously there was a different guy in the company hiring for tasks; I am a new person in the same company who understands IT very well and will deal fairly.
The Environment (x86_64)
Ubuntu 14.04
Plone 4.3.3
CMF 2.2.7
Zope 2.13.22
Python 2.7.6 [GCC 4.8.4]
PIL 2.3.0 (Pillow)
mysql Ver 14.14