Plone 5.0.8
Debian 8 and 9
I'm moving my site to another domain and therefor I need to change the mail server settings.
I've adapted @@mail-controlpanel and a test message is sent to the new e-mail address. So, the SMTP server is functioning correctly.
Now, when I use the PloneFormGen form, the message is still sent to the old address.
I've checked PloneFormGen settings: prefs_pfg_addressing
All fields are empty but even when I fill in the new address, the message is still sent to the old address.
When I edit the form itself, I can't find any references to the old address.
In ZMI I checked that the site's MailHost/manage_main was set correctly. Running "Clear and Rebuild" in portal_catalog/manage_catalogAdvanced didn't change anything either.
Against better judgement I compressed the database to 0 (zero) days history in @@maintenance-controlpanel which obviously didn't help.
When I run this command there is still a match on on the old e-mail address in Data.fs:
grep -i "" var/filestorage/Data.fs
Binary file var/filestorage/Data.fs matches
2018-04-11T19:51:40 ERROR MailDataManager {'Schoelje <>': (454, '4.7.1 <>: Relay access denied')}
Does anybody know what's going wrong here?