Notes from a drupal meetup

ok. so in summary drupal is better because its popular (which is why its well supported, more devs etc etc). doesn't help us work out how to make Plone more popular but I think we all agree that Plone would be better if it was. (I hope we all agree on this).
My only other takeaway (other than bugs which I think has been well covered), is that install experience could be better. Drupal, WP has always had an edge here by being LAMP and being supported by hosters directly because of that. In fact that is likely the single biggest reason WP and drupal are more popular.
Again, I'm not sure what we can do about that, but I suspect tools like docker are going level the playing field a lot. GitHub - plone/plone.docker: plone on docker is now a true one line install of Plone and direct support from AWS will only make that easier. We have some nice self scaling docker builds that once we perfect, we might contribute.

So to summarise -> We need to make Plone popular and all the other nice things you hope for us (quality, no bugs, cheap devs, hoster support) will all happen. And to make Plone popular we likely need hoster support (and quality and cheap devs). :slight_smile: easy!