Not able to upload Logo on site settings

I am not finding to upload the custom logo on site settings.

Kindly, let me know how to update the custom Logo through out the Plone website?

I do it via registry.xml, not nice, but it work's:

<!-- Portal Logo -->
  field ="site_logo">
  <value purge="False">filenameb64:xxx;datab64:xxx</value>

This is covered in the Theming Training:

There is no option to Upload Logo in 5.0 Version. But in the document it's specified

This was added in Plone 5.0b1. What version are you using?

I am using Plone 5.0

No :wink: This is Plone 4.

How to find version of Plone?

Click on the "Site Setup" link above the "Site settings" heading. You will see a section called "Version Overview".

Btw, for Plone 4, this is the documentation:

Is there any way to Migrate to Ver 5.0?

I tried it bro but the image is not changed.

Give me your email-id bro. I need your support for building CMS from scratch.