Not able to login on the site

Thank you for your response Katia, can you please explain in brief how to do that, I' m in plone. If you're talking about starting a backend server at the same time, then I have already done that.

The above screenshot of http://localhost:8080/ shows that there is no instance created. You can create one by pushing the button 'Create a new Plone site'. Stay with the defaults.

Starting up the backend means that a Zope instance is running. This Zope instance can provide multiple Plone instances. A Plone instance can be created via UI showing up on pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080/
Stay with the defaults (instance name 'Plone') and do not choose 'Advanced'. You can do that later when you are familiar with some basics.

This step is not included in the Install docs for Create a project, specifically should we add this step to Start Plone backend?

I thought that make install creates a Plone site with default content, so the UI step would not be necessary, correct?

Either @Anshul2729 missed make install or the command did not complete, in which case it would have exited with an error message.

I had this error on make install. When I was trying to do it.

@stevepiercy Thank you for your time and response. I got the error, it was make install error, I solve some error there related to python3 and it is done. It's working now.


This is another reason why screenshots are terrible: you usually cannot capture the complete transcript to share with people who would want to help you. Please copy and paste the full and complete transcript or traceback in the future.

That said, the error message is from this line:

Which implies that you have a messed up Python interpreter.

Yes. I'll keep that in mind and try to do best things in future. Thank you once again for your TIME.