Next.js and Remix Proof of concept frontends exist for Plone

@sneridagh looking forward to getting the links to those PoC repos with Next.js and Remix and vite on Plone.

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Yes, they do. They live in the Volto monorepo. Very raw, just a proof of concept, they are the test bed where the experimental packages the Plone community is working on is happening. They use:

  • @plone/registry
  • @plone/client
  • @plone/components

More about them:

Quick guide how to try them out:

0.- Read how to develop Volto core basics, install pnpm and all the pre-requisites.

1.- Check out the Volto monorepo:

git clone

in the cloned repository, install dependencies:

cd volto
pnpm install
pnpm build:deps
pnpm build:components

run Plone backend:

make start-backend-docker

open another shell, and run any of the PoC:


pnpm --filter plone-nextjs dev


pnpm --filter plone-remix dev

Vite with SSR

pnpm --filter plone-vite-ssr dev

Behold http://localhost:3000 and enjoy :wink:

If you are interested, take a look at the Network tab, XHR requests. There is where all the action (or lack of) happens in these modern builds/frameworks. Let me know what do you think.

If you like it, and you want to help make this happen, ping me.

PD. The Next.js build can be already ship and deploy to Vercel, although the most complete is the Vite one at this moment.