New dexterity reference documentation

During the Sprint at the excellent Plone Tagung in Dresden I wrote a new chapter in Mastering Plone that doubles as a reference for all fields, widgets and directives in Dexterity as well as validation and default values:

It's still a bit rough and could need:

  • Separate Screenshots of input and display for each widget. And the same for Volto.
  • A installable package that holds the example schema with all fields

Also: Some of the settings have no effect in Volto yet (see It needs to be discussed what needs to be implemented and what needs to be documented since it will not be implemented.

Please comment here, make a pull-request or drop me a mail if you know of fields or widgets that you use and that are missing (yes, it mentions Masterselect and even has a example for Datagrid).


Thank you Philip! Good work! Volto screenshots would be indeed nice (anyone up for that task?). And bugreports regarding fields that do not work in Volto are always welcome!

I added screenshots for Volto:


@pbauer w00t!

I created to handle the issues in Volto.

Ditto Phillip on the excellent instruction Plone Trainings provides. I'm going to try to review it later.. so many things to do.

Question for you, 2019 version on Mastering... doesn't mention Plone CLI? is there a plan to work that into the newer materials?

@riker11451 We already added it to the plone6 branch of the training:

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