cool! no plan to be able to add or override translations directly in the plone control panel?
I added a GSOC for this, but if you plan to do it, maybe its not needed?
First, I think its doable and not super-difficult to override or extend existing i18n-domains. In fact, I know the steps to do, but it was out-of-scope of my paid project.
The po-files are stored as simple Zope OFS files. It is possible to add a feature to edit them TTW. This would be also mainly UI work. But also this was outside of the projects scope. It's main goal was to talk with Zanata.
I doubt that adding those features is a good GSOC topic, it simply just a small task.
It would be super cool to have. Specifically the usecase I'm thinking of is the ability to for a "webmaster" to customise the Plone UI by creating their own replacements for wording the in the UI that might be confusing for the local users. And to do this cleanly without the need to override templates or do diazo for just wording changes.