Mosaic – the new layout solution for Plone

@hvelarde @agitator I don't think it hurts Mosaic that Peter would work with Ramon to add the missing features (like transient media repository based image tiles and most important missing TinyMCE actions like linking) to layout editor to make it work for nice front page layout.

I'm also pleased to know that nobody expects Mosaic to replace c.cover, and it's OK that they remain separate. Yet, it's good to know that the current layout editor has API for registering new actions, and it should be remain like that so that other add-ons like c.cover could later add domain features they need.

Remember that Deco (which Mosaic aims to finish) was one of the three Ds, from the era where Plone still had spiritual leaders with somewhat clear vision about the future. Dexterity for content types (schemas), Deco for content layouts (views) and Diazo for theme adaptation. But because Deco never came, we started to replace it with Diazo, and that's why I feel like continuously stepping over toes of Diazo with Mosaic...

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