Mockup and tabbing feature

I spent some time implementing the old tabbing feature that Plone 4 provides with a jQuery plugin (see

I was sure this was still present on Plone 5, so I looked for a mockup pattern.

First issue: there's something strange in the documentation as Tabs is only visible under the TOC pattern documentation -

Documentation apart I was happy to see that the new pattern do not force you to use DL/DT/DD or other static DOM structures, but this is not working properly.

My need was to implement tabs outside a form, so just present some DIVs rendered as separate tabs.
Looking at the documentation it seems you can provide any DOM structure you want so I tested that one:

 <div class="pat-autotoc autotabs" data-pat-autotoc="section:section;levels:h2;">
       <h2>Title A</h2>
       <h2>Title B</h2>

It's partially working. Tabs are rendered and working but the H2 is repeated again inside the tab's content.

I tested some other DOM structure but nothing really change. The only way I have to have this really working is to go back to fieldset/legend:

 <div class="pat-autotoc autotabs" data-pat-autotoc="section:fieldset;levels:legend;">
       <legend>Title A</legend>
       <legend>Title B</legend>

That is rendered as...

...but I have fieldset/legend outside a form, and I don't like this really much.

To recap:

  1. mockup documentation for this pattern is someway hidden.
  2. in facts this pattern seems related to the TOC feature someway (note the class "pat-autotoc" that is required) but I don't really see why. Tabbing and toc are two totally different topics.
  3. although the pattern seems to support a free DOM structure, only fieldset/legend is really working.

Anybody had different experience with this pattern?

I tried to use the pattern for and failed too. Unfortunately it is only half-baken implemented and not as flexible as it could be. I ended up implementing the whole myself. Would be cool if this can be fixed.